This is another post. The second one.
1. This is a sample block of text designed to test indexing with the glossaries-extra.ˇ
package. To test only \index. and theindex. environment, just use testidx.ˇ instead of
testidx-glossaries.ˇ. Alternatively, use \tstidxtoidx. to switch back to the original testidx.ˇ
behaviour. This sample text is provided to help test the layout. of the index. (or glossary.)
and the .indexing applications, such as makeindex.ˇ or xindy.ˇ, that may be used with the
glossaries-extra.ˇ package. This example. text is just filler. (produced using \testidx. pro-
vided by the testidx.ˇ package) to pad out the document with instances of \index. interspersed
throughout. You can find out more information from the testidx.ˇ user manual, which can be
accessed using the texdoc.ˇ application.
2. The testidx-glossaries.ˇ package uses \gls. (or \glspl.) unless no text should be dis-
played when indexing occurs (in which case just \glsadd. is used). This test package doesn’t
make any modifications to \gls. (or \glspl.), but there are some minor changes to entry def-
initions and command use to allow this .dummy text to test various cases. By default \gls.
performs the indexing before the .link text to prevent any unwanted interference caused by the
whatsit. introduced by the indexing. However, it’s possible that you may want the indexing to
occur after the .link text, even though it creates a whatsit.. This .dummy text is designed to use a
mixture of pre- and post-indexing to investigate the results (particularly with phrases. spanning
a .page break). The glossaries-extra.ˇ package (as from version 1.14) provides a new key
“wrgloss” (for commands like \gls.), which may take the values “before” or “after”. If this key is
available, it will be used for the post-indexing examples., otherwise the post-indexing will be per-
formed manually using \glsadd. after the .link text (which is displayed using \glshyperlink.).
The testidx-glossaries.ˇ package just loads the base glossaries.ˇ package by default. Use
the extraˇˇˇ package option to also load glossaries-extra.ˇ. The .visual effects in this .dummy
text are provided to illustrate where the indexing occurs. The testidx-glossaries.ˇ package
doesn’t attempt to produce a well-designed index or glossary. Its purpose. is to help you test.
your chosen design., which is easier to do with a relatively small test document., than with a large
book.. The .dummy text is intended to produce an index. that is at least three pages long to
allow you to test the page headers and footers in a two-sided document. The “mcolindexgroup”
style is set by default (rather than the “list” style) as that style more closely represents the style
used in indexes. If you use the descˇˇˇ option, the style will instead be set to “indexgroup”. You
can change the style using \setglossarystyle.. By default the “tree” styles (including “mcol-
indexgroup”) display the name field in bold in the glossary.. This is governed by the command
\glstreenamefmt., which may be redefined as appropriate. You can hide the visual effects with
the hidemarksˇˇˇ package option.
3. The actual place where the indexing occurs in this .dummy text is marked with the sym-
bol . (\tstidxmarker). if there is no range. or .cross-reference. The word. or
I think this is my comment